はじまり、はじまり。: Start!

面倒臭いことを避けていると: Avoiding the messy stuff

どんどん面倒臭くなる : It’s getting more and more bother you

そして幸せからはどんどん遠ざかる: And we are further and further away from happiness

だって面倒臭いことに幸せが隠れているから: Because happiness is hidden in troublesome things.
ポジティブになりたい人向けオリジナルTシャツ:Positive Original T-shirts
BASEのPayID、Amazon PayやPayPalなども利用できます。
The theme is "Contemporary Japan ✖️ Smiles". Original T-shirts with illustrations carefully selected from over 4,500 created by MJ(Midjourney). Available at the BASE store linked below.
BASE PayID, Amazon Pay and PayPal are also available.
BASEのPayID、Amazon PayやPayPalなども利用できます。
The theme is "Contemporary Japan ✖️ Smiles". Original T-shirts with illustrations carefully selected from over 4,500 created by MJ(Midjourney). Available at the BASE store linked below.
BASE PayID, Amazon Pay and PayPal are also available.